Glossary of Legal Terms

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271—280 of 444
Is the normative legal act, reflecting general norms, regulations and characteristics for the fulfilment and use of definite kind of activity or its results
Is a digital (letter, symbol) code, identifying concrete issue of issuing securities
Good (work, service) the sale of which is accompanied by the promotional lottery
A share of a cooperative member, that grants him participation in the voting activity of the cooperative and obtaining of cooperative payments
Preparation of an expert opinion based on gathering and assessment of information
Complex of centres, observatories, stations, research vessels, laboratories, measuring systems, technical facilities and other observation points on meteorology, aviation meteorology, agricultural meteorology, hydrology, oceanography, climatology and environmental monitoring
Person appointed by political parties, non-governmental organizations, referendum campaign groups and candidates to observe the course of elections (referenda), and accredited in the relevant election (referendum) commission in the order provided for by this Code
The system of social, economic, organizational, technical, public health, hygiene, treatment and preventive measures and methods defined by regulations, collective contracts (agreements), and employment contracts for the purpose of guaranteeing the right of employees to a safe and healthy work environment
Proposal submitted by the person - with intention to conclude agreement - to one or several specific persons, said offer should demonstrate major provisions of agreement and comply with desire of said person to conclude agreement with any person
Prosecutors, investigators of the Prosecutor’s Office, probationers of the Prosecutor’s Office